Blogging Women

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Pjs and heels (think it's going to catch on...!)

Come to think of it, I haven't explained why I have given the blog this title. Here is my rationale behind it....

It struck me the other day that I am slowly, gradually, becoming able to walk in heels. In my early twenties and teens I deliberately chose shoes with a platform heel because I knew that a) I couldn't bear the pain of a 5 inch heel and b) because I couldn't walk in them. Nowadays, though, I take teetering steps towards being a fully fledged wearer of bona fide sexy shoes. (Not for work though, only for going out)

Today, after school I bought a mediumly high pair of heels. Black suede with a delicate strap across the ankle. I can walk in them – in fact I cleaned the bathroom wearing them earlier this evening. I had to test them out, you see. Check that they were suitably slutty to wear on Saturday night.

Anyway, I digress... basically I feel that as I gain my independence as a single and independent woman (that's me trying to cultivate my much desired my inner poise) I am beginning to take small steps much the same as one does the first time one wears heels. Maybe one day I'll be ready to tackle the five inchers. That's when I 'll have that inner contentment.

Having uncomfortable shoes actually worked to my advantage the other night. Last Friday a group of us went out from work to celebrate a colleague's birthday. I ended up sitting next to a hot PE teacher. Had noticed him before at school but figured that he was waaaaayyy out of my league. We started chatting and ended up having one of those conversations where you suddenly look up and realize that the evening has passed and everyone else is putting on their coats and preparing to leave. I couldn't walk in my (borrowed) black stillettos and he (being chivalrous) ended up giving me a piggy back down the High St. The fact that I was wearing a short skirt and a thong didn't occur to me until he had put me down.

Then cue massive disappointment the next day when my friend J told me that he had a serious girlfriend. But it turns out he has since split with his girlfriend and we have been conducting some serious Facebook Chat flirting since then. I am finding it incredibly frustrating, in that part of me just wants to say: “ Hey, you and me, how about it?”.

However, as a staunch follower of 'The Rules' I know that I have to bide my time and wait. Wait for him to make every single move. Wait for him to do the chasing. Make myself seem busy, independent and mysterious (instead of always available, always on FB chat, and cleaning the bathroom in a pair of baggy grey pjs and huge heels). But I think his green light is on.

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